a list of Proposed Leagues
Acton Industrial League 1965
Alabama League 1897
Alabama-Tennessee League 1933
Alberta-Saskatchewan League 1960
Alberta League 1911, 1951
Allegheny League 1894
American Alliance 1883
American Association 1894 (2 different Leagues), 1895, 1900
American West League 2013-2014
Anthracite League 1893, 1896, 1900, 1910, 1916,
Arizona Copper League 1915, 1918
Arkansas League 1888
Arkansas-Texas League 1905, 1908
Association Nationale 1933
Atlantic Association 1891
Atlantic Coast League 1948, 2009
Atlantic League 1911, 1915-1916
Baja League 2006
Baseball League 1990
Bay State League 1910, 1912
Beaver Valley League 1930
Bi-County League 1932
Bi State League 1908, 1946
Big Bend League 1914
Big Six League 1910
Black Hills League 1905
Blue Grass League 1898, 1913, 1916, 1917, 1921
Buckeye League 1916
Buckeye Trolley League 1905
Bucks League 1923
Buncombe County Textile League 1962
Burlington County League 1900
Cache Valley League 1923, 1929
California State League 1916, 1929
California Trolley League 1916
California Winter League 1890
Camden County League 1915
Can-Am Senior Leauge 2012
Canadian Baseball Association 1895, 1901
Canadian Baseball League 1892
Canadian Interior League 1894
Canadian League 1903
Cape Breton Colliery League 1940
Cape Fear League 1916
Carolina Winter League 2016
Central Alberta League 1926
Central Association 1892
Central & Southern California League 1891
Central & Western New York League 1903
Central California League 1890, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1903, 1912
Central Baseball League 1887, 1896-1897
Central Connecticut League 1891, 1896, 1908
Central Illinois League 1890, 1896
Central Illinois Trolley League 1910, 1915
Central Interior League 1967, 1983
Central Interstate League 1887, 1896
Central League 1889, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1899
Central League of Pennsylvania 1896
Central Kansas League 1907
Central Kentucky League 1910
Central Maine League 1931
Central Massachusetts League 1925
Central Massachusetts Twilight League 1923
Central Mexico League 1958
Central Michigan League 1917
Central New Jersey League 1913
Central New Jersey Trolley League 1900
Central New York League 1886, 1889-1890, 1896, 1899, 1903
Central Ohio League 1891-1892, 1897, 1901, 1907,
Central Okanogan Valley League 1923
Central Oregon League 1915, 1951
Central Pennsylvania League 1893, 1895
Central State League 1916
Central Texas League 1913
Central Utah League 1931, 1945, 1948
Central Wisconsin League 1916
Coal Region League 1891
Columbia River League 1922
Columbia League 1912
Colorado State League 1893, 1910, 1912, 1915
Colored League 1889, 1892
Colored National League 1908
Continental League 1916, 1921, 1960, 1997
Connecticut Rival League 1906
Connecticut State Collegiate League 1976
Connecticut State Factory League 1899
Connecticut State League 1893, 1915-1916, 1936
Copper League 1914, 1917, 1955
Copper Belt League 1916
Copper County League 1906, 1911
Corn Belt Trolley League 1907
County League (NE) 1932
Cumberland League 1897, 1900, 1902-1903, 1905, 1914
Cumberland Valley League 1911
Dakota League 1935
Del-Mar League 1925
Delaware River League 1911-1912
Delaware Valley League 1906-1907
Dixie League 1949
East Coast League 2015
East Wisconsin League 1888
Eastern Arkansas League 1909, 1950
Eastern Association 1886, 1889, 1902, 1907-1909, 1915-1916
Eastern Canadian League 1907, 1914
Eastern Collegiate League 2010
Eastern Connecticut League 1915, 1949
Eastern Indiana League 1913
Eastern International League 1890
Eastern Interstate League 1902
Eastern Iowa League 1891, 1894
Eastern Maine League 1891, 1933
Eastern Negro League 1936
Eastern New York League 1899, 1896
Eastern Ohio League 1889, 1892, 1907
Eastern Oregon League 1911
Eastern Shore Colored League 1915
Eastern Shore League 1894
Eastern Township League 1955
Eastern Wisconsin League 1906, 1916
El Paso League 1914
Erie Railroad League 1906, 1927
Egyptian League 1899, 1912, 1915-1916
Empire State League 1912, 1917
Evergreen Tree League 1937
Fall Baseball League 1999, 2005
Far Western Association 1917
Federal League 1916
FLAG (Florida-Alabama-Georgia) League 1916
Flag League 1926
Florida-Georgia League 1888
Florida Rookie Fall League 1958
Florida State League 1888, 1892, 1895
Florida Winter League 1897, 1908, 1914-1915
Fort Wayne Trolley League 1913
Four Town League 1908, 1910, 1912-1913, 1919,
Four Town League 1922, 1925, 1933, 1936
Fox River League 1901, 1905, 1915
Fox River Valley League 1897, 1900, 1905, 1914-1915,
Fox River Valley League 1919, 1930, 1938
Gas Belt League 1891-1892, 1894, 1900-1901, 1905
Geauga County League 1907
Georgia-Alabama League 1901, 1955-1956
Georgia-Florida League 1959
Georgia State League 1894, 1895, 1900, 1901
Georgian Bay District League 1894
Global League 1969
Gloucester County League 1897
Gogebic Range League 1901
Gold League 1907
Golden League 1993
Golden State League 1994-1995
Granite State League 1907
Grays Harbor County League 1908
Great Lakes League 2004
Great Lakes Collegiate League 2006-2010
Guadalupe Valley League 1954
Gulf Coast League 1913-1914
Gulf League 1887-1888, 1891, 1893
Hall of Fame Collegiate Baseball League 2012
Housatonic Valley League 1909
Hudson River League 1889-1890, 1900
Hudson Valley League 1903
Idaho-Oregon League 1914
Idaho State League 1909
Idaho-Washington League 1937
Illinois State League 1887, 1890, 1893, 1914
Illinois-Indiana League 1895, 1900
Illinois-Iowa League 1892, 1907, 1913, 1916
Illinois-Missouri League 1915
Illinois Trolley League 1905, 1910, 1916
Independent Association of Baseball 1905
Independent League 2011
Indiana-Michigan League 1896, 1906
Indiana-Ohio League 1923
Indiana-Ohio Negro League 1936-1940
Indiana State League 1898-1899, 1904, 1909, 1912
Inland Empire League 1898, 1912
Inland Empire Trolley League 1907
Inter-City League 1947
Inter-Colonial League 1891
Inter-Mountain League 1890, 1897, 1902, 1926
Inter-Provincial League 1902, 1909
Inter State of Ohio League 1896
Inter-States League 1906-1907
Inter Senior League 1941
Intercounty League 1899
International Association 1971
Interstate Association 1911, 1914
Interprovincial League 1926
Interstate League 1891(2 Different Leagues) 1892 (2 Different Leagues) 1894,
Interstate League 1895 (3 Different Leagues) 1896
Interstate League 1897, 1900 (2 Different Leagues , 1902 (2 Different Leagues)
Interstate League 1903-1905, 1909, 1910
Interstate League 1907 (2 Different Leagues) ,1915 (2 Different Leagues), 1917
Iowa-Minnesota League 1915, 1930, 1934
Iowa State League 1887, 1890, 1891, 1895, 1900, 1903, 1910-1911,
Iron and Oil League 1892, 1897, 1899
Iron-Copper League 1909
Kansas-Missouri League 1891
Kansas-Nebraska League 1890
Kansas-Oklahoma League 1892, 1901, 1910(2 Different Leagues)
Kansas-Oklahoma League 1914
Kansas State League 1890, 1915-1916
Katy League 1917
Kent League 1906
Kentucky Baseball League 1921
Kentucky-Indiana League 1912
Kentucky-Tennessee League 1903
Keystone Association 1877
Kitty League 1915-1916
Knights of Columbus League 1908
Kootenay International League 1991-1994
Laurens County Textile League 1946
Lackawanna League 1905
Lake Erie League 1895
Lake Michigan League 1911
Lake Ontario League 1894
Lake Shore of Ohio League 1911
Lake Superior League 1893
Lake Winnebago League 1931-1932
Lanark League 1930
Lehigh Valley League 1891,1900-1901, 1912, 1915
Little Fox River League 1932
Little Interstate League 1892-1892, 1895, 1900, 1902
Little Iowa League 1892
Little Massachusetts League 1889, 1900
Little Tri State League 1903
Long Island League 1907
Lower Columbia River League 1916
Lower Gatineau League 1923
Maine State League 1895, 1903, 1913
Maryland League 1888, 1890, 1909, 1917
Massachusetts League 1885, 1892, 1908
Merrimac Valley League 1892, 1894, 1897, 1912
Mesa Four Town League 1915
Mexican Rookie League 2011
Michigan-Canadian League 1916
Michigan-Indiana League 1891
Michigan-Ohio League 1893
Michigan-Ontario League 1939
Michigan State League 1893-1894, 1905, 1910, 1955
Mid-Continental League 1912, 1915-1916
Mid South League 1994-1995
Mid States League 2004
Mid Wisconsin League 1930
Middle States League 1893
Midland League 1891, 1894, 1900, 1913,
Midland Empire League 1939-1940, 1948-1950, 1960
Midwest League 1891
Milwaukee County League 1915
Milwaukee Inter-City League 1925
Miniature League 1916
Minnesota-Iowa-Nebraska League 1896
Minnesota State League 1895-1896\
Mission League 1921
Mississippi River League 1919
Mississippi River Valley League 1900
Mississippi State League 1903
Mississippi Valley League 1912
Missouri-Illinois League 1913
Missouri-Illinois Trolley League 1902, 1903, 1913
Missouri-Kansas Interstate League 1892
Missouri-Kansas League 1902
Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railway League 1916
Missouri State League 1896, 1909
Missouri Valley League 1907, 1915
Mohawk Valley League 1920
Monongahela League 1896
Monongahela Valley League 1915-1916, 1939
Montana Copper League 1941
Montana League 1887-1888, 1893, 1910, 1961
Montana-Utah League 1904, 1906, 1909
Mother Lode League 1922
Mountain League 1886, 1893, 1900
National Association 1918
National Association of Colored Baseball Clubs of USA and Cuba 1906
National Colored League 1900, 1908 (2 Different Leagues)
Naugatuck Valley League 1898, 1907
Nebraska State League 1890-1891, 1906-1907
Negro National League 1907
Negro League 1890, 1908
Negro Western League 1921
Nevada Copper League 1916
Nevada State League 1908-1909
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia League 1914
New England Association 1888, 1904
New England Interstate League 1906
New England Trolley League 1904, 1909
New England League 1889, 1890, 1916-1917
New Illinois League 1910
New Hampshire League 1898, 1901, 1907
New Jersey League 1890, 1895, 1900,
New Jersey League 1902, 1907, 1909, 1915
New Jersey Manufactures League 1915
New Mexico League 1936
New Mexico Copper League 1912
New New York State League 1898, 1905
New Northern League 1913
New Northwest League 1891, 1905
New South League 1921
New Southern League 1902
New York Amateur League 1905-1906
New York-Connecticut League 1912
New York State Industrial League 1922
New York State League 1888, 1891, 1923, 1934
North and South Carolina League 1907
North American League 1985
North Arkansas League 1914
North Atlantic League 1952, 1997
North Black Hills League 1951
North Carolina League 1901, 1903
North Central Ohio League 1892
North Dakota League 1902
North Indiana and South Michigan League 1914
North Iowa-Southern Minnesota League 1933
North Kansas League 1898
North Oklahoma League 1915
North Pacific League 1890
North Shore League 1909, 1961
North Texas Colored League 1947
North Texas Panhandle League 1948
North Texas League 1899, 1902-1903, 1906
Northeast Ohio League 1891
Northeast Ohio Trolley League 1905
Northeast Wyoming League 1947, 1963
Northeastern Ohio League 1901
Northeastern Pennsylvania League 1888
Northern Association 1909
Northern California League 1888, 1901
Northern Copper County League 1908
Northern Arizona League 1911, 1937
Northern Illinois League 1890, 1909, 1916, 1919
Northern Independent League 1952
Northern Indiana League 1894
Northern Indiana Trolley League 1909
Northern League 1891, 1896-1897, 1906*
Northern Louisiana League 1886
Northern Michigan League 1894, 1902
Northern Michigan-Wisconsin League 1915, 1916
Northern Mississippi League 1905, 1909
Northern New Jersey League 1892
Northern New York League 1892, 1914
Northern Ohio League 1890, 1893, 1899-1900, 1908
Northern Ohio Trolley League 1907, 1908
Northern South Dakota League 1904
Northern State Collegiate League 1957
Northern Tri County League 1941
Northern Utah League 1956
Northern Virginia League 1909
Northern Wisconsin-Michigan League 1939
Northwest Iowa League 1901
Northwest Ohio League 1890, 1897
Northwest Semi Pro League 1940
Northwest Texas League 1920
Northwestern Ohio League 1890, 1895, 1907, 1935
Northwestern League 1879, 1894, 1896, 1899, 1905, 1925
Nova Scotia League 1891
NYPANO League 1891, 1892, 1896
Ohio Independent League 1908
Ohio-Indiana League 1892, 1897, 1907, 1908
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana (Oh-Ky-In) Colored League 1910
Ohio-Kentucky League 1909
Ohio-Mississippi Valley League 1900
Ohio-Pennsylvania League 1914, 1923, 1927
Ohio Colored League 1908, 1910-1911
Ohio State League 1892-1893, 1895-1896
Ohio State League (Class E) 1938
Ohio Trolley League 1902
Ohio Valley League 1887, 1888, 1896, 1897, 1898,
Ohio Valley League 1902-1904
Ohio Valley Trolley League 1910, 1912
Oil Belt League 1947
Oil Region League 1888, 1893
Oklahoma-Kansas League 1892, 1911, 1921
Oklahoma State League 1907, 1909, 1915, 1917
Old Colony Central League 1889
Ontario League 1886
Ontario-Quebec League 1923
Orange Belt League 1928
Oregon State League 1902
Oregon-Washington League 1937
Oxford County League 1930
Pacific Coast International League 1961
Pacific Interstate League 1892
Palmetto League 1957
Panhandle League 1908, 1935
Penn Park Baseball League 1903
Penn-Jersey League 1916
Pennsylvania Mountain League 1895
Pennsylvania-New Jersey League 1905
Pennsylvania State League 1891, 1897, 1908, 1909-1910
Pennsylvania State League 1910, 1913-1914, 1916
Piedmont League 1908
Pine Tree League 1937
Pony League 1890
Portneuf League 1920
Prairie League 1907
Provincial League 1893, 1901, 1903
Puget Sound League 1901
Quebec-Ottawa League 1925
Red River League 1954
Red River Valley League 1898, 1929, 1954
Redwood & Brown Countries League 1923
Rhode Island League 1906
Rhody’s League 1894
Rice Belt League 1904, 1945
River League 1894, 1896
River City Victory League 2001-2012
Rock River Valley League 1938
Rocky Mountain League 1886, 1890
Rosebud League 1941
Rural League 1933
Rutherford County Textile League 1930
Saint Louis Trolley League 1907
Saint Maurice Valley League 1929
Saluda Textile League 1922
Salt Lake County Farm Bureau League 1945
San Joaquin-Stanislaus Counties League 1950
San Joaquin Valley League 1897, 1916, 1934
Sanpete County League 1914
Santa Fe League 1909
Saturday-Sunday League 1910
Scenic-Wisconsin League 1951
Schuylkill County League 1890, 1895, 1896, 1910
Schuylkill Valley League 1895, 1905, 1901, 1911, 1916
Scott County League 1923
Second Southern League 1892
Seneca Lake League 1934
Smoky River League 1962
Snake River-Yellowstone League 1916-1917
Sooner State League 1959
Soo Line League 1909
South Anthracite League 1954
South Atlantic League 1895-1896
South Carolina-Georgia League 1895
South Carolina League 1914
South Central League 1911, 1914
South Dakota State League 1892, 1913
South Georgia League 1905, 1917
South New Jersey League 1898
South Jersey League 1893
South Okanagan League 1908
South San Joaquin Valley League 1935
South Texas League 1907, 1924
Southeast Missouri-Northeast Arkansas League 1936
Southeastern League 1921
Southeastern Pennsylvania League 1904
Southern Alberta League 1918
Southern California League 1886-1888, 1890, 1915
Southern California Winter League 1917
Southern Connecticut League 1902
Southern Idaho League 1909, 1920-1921
Southern Illinois League 1890, 1906, 1912, 1915
Southern Indiana League 1909, 1912
Southern Interstate League 1887-1888, 1892-1893,
Southern Kentucky League 1891
Southern League 1889, 1891, 1900, 1902-1903
Southern Middlesex County League 1909
Southern Minnesota League 1906
Southern Mississippi League 1903
Southern New England League 1887, 1892, 1902-1903
Southern New England League 1913-1914
Southern New England Trolley League 1914
Southern Ohio Interstate League 1901
Southern Ohio League 1912
Southern Oklahoma League 1916
Southern Ontario League 1934
Southern Saskatchewan League 1915
Southern States Negro League 1936
Southern Wisconsin League 1893
Southwest Idaho League 1908
Southwest Oil Fields League 1916
Southwest Texas League 1912, 1937
Southwestern Georgia League 1893
Southwestern Interstate League ????
Southwestern Kansas League 1903, 1924
Southwestern League 1894-1895, 1903, 1911-1913, 2004, 2011
Southwestern Minnesota League 1952
Southwestern States League 2011
Spartanburg Textile League 1925
Spartanburg County Textile League 1948
Stark County League 1890
Summer Trolley League 1914
Sun States League 2013
Sunset Collegiate League 2011
Sunshine League 1992
Susquehanna League 1920, 1925, 1934
Tar Heel League 1902
Temiscaming League 1956
Tennessee League 1896-1897
Territorial League 1886, 1893
Texas League 1891
Texas-Louisiana League 1895
Texas-New Mexico-Arizona League 1907
Texas-Oklahoma League 1892, 1915
Texas Valley League 1939
Three C League 1912, 1914, 1936
Three H League 1915
Tri State League 1920, 1925, 1935, 1939
Tidewater League 1905, 1951
Tobacco State League 1952
Tri County League 1906-1907
Tri State Association 1909
Tri State League 1890, 1894, (2 different Leagues)
Tri State League 1895, 1897, 1905, 1908, 1915, 1935
Trolley League 1902, 1904, 1906 (2 Different Leagues)
Trolley League 1908 (2 Different Leagues), 1916 (2 Different Leagues)
Trolley League of Indiana 1909
Trolley League of Ohio 1916
Twilight League 1914
Twilight League of Western Canada 1908
Twin States League 1909-1910, 1913, 1915-1916
Union Association 1885
Union League 1883, 1899, 1911
Union Pacific League 1902
Union-Pacolet Textile League 1922
United Association 1892
United League 1994, 1996
United States League 1910
United States Negro League 1910
Upper Mississippi League 2007
Upper Peninsula League 1892-1893,
Upper Peninsula-Wisconsin League 1912
Utah-Idaho League 1929, 1930
Utah-Idaho-Montana-Oregon League 1939
Utah State Industrial League 1948
Utah State League 1892, 1908, 1909, 1923
Utah-Wyoming League 1936
Valley League 1912, 1916
Vermont League 1904-1905
Virginia League 1903
Virginia-North Carolina League 1899, 1902-1903
Wabash Trolley League 1909-1910
Wasatch League 1920
Washington International League 1892
Washington State League 1913
Weber County League 1920
Wenatchee Valley League 1952
West Carolina League 1909
West Coast League 1916, 1932
West New York and Pennsylvania League 1894, 1895
West Pennsylvania and East Ohio Trolley League 1902
West Side League 1906, 1915
West Virginia League 1917
West Texas League 1916
Western Association 1893, 1902, 1913
Western Canada League 1908, 1927, 1935
Western Carolina Textile League 1922
Western Connecticut League 1898
Western Indiana and Eastern Illinois League 1903
Western Indiana League 1890, 1898, 1899
Western Interstate League 1891, 1894
Western Kansas League 1908
Western League 1902
Western Maine League 1903, 1936
Western Maryland League 1890, 1914
Western Massachusetts League 1887, 1894, 1903, 1916
Western Michigan League 1902
Western Mining League 1908
Western Negro League 1911, 1936
Western Ohio League 1924
Western Ontario League 1919
Western Outlaw League 1906
Western Pennsylvania League 1885, 1890, 1908, 1910
Western Pennsylvania Independent League 1910
Western Tri State League 1908, 1915
Western Wisconsin League 1908, 1938
Wild West League 2013
Wine Country Premier Collegiate League 2012
Wisconsin-Illinois League 1891, 1930, 1933
Wisconsin-Michigan League 1915-1916
Wisconsin North Shore League 1910
Wisconsin State League 1888, 1892, 1894, 1901, 1933
Wisconsin Valley League 1900, 1901, 1915, 1927, 1933
Women’s Major League 1994
World League 1975
Wyoming League 1890, 1903
York County League (2 Different Leagues) 1906
All American Basketball Alliance 2010
All American Basketball Conference 1947, 1977
All American Pro Basketball League 2005
All World 6’4 Basketball League 2009
Ameri Basketball League 2015
American Basketball Association 1900
Basketball Northwest Foundation 2010
Beautiful Ballers League 2013
Canadian National Basketball League 2011
Canadian Basketball League 2015-2016
Collegiate Pro Basketball League 1999
Connecticut State Basketball League 1913, 1942
Continental Basketball League 2013
Florida Basketball League 2014
Global Basketball Alliance 2008
Great Lakes Basketball Association 1998
Illinois Basketball League 2007
International Basketball Association 2015
Liberty Basketball Association 1991
Liga Nacional De Baloncesto-Femenil 2014
Mid West Basketball League 2010
Midwest Basketball League 2006, 2011
Mountain States Basketball League 2010
Mountain States Professional Basketball League 2009
National Alliance Basketball League 2003
New Era Basketball League 2014-2015
North American Basketball League 1995, 2005
Northeast Basketball League 2008
Pacific Coast Basketball Association 2009
Pro Basketball USA 1991
South Atlantic Basketball League 2004
Southern Pro Basketball League 2007
Tri State Basketball League 1930
United Basketball League 1979, 2008-2012
United States Basketball League 2008-2009
Unity Basketball League 1936
Universal Basketball League 2006
Women’s American Basketball Association 2012
Women’s Basketball Association 1978
Women’s Basketball League 1977
Women’s Global Basketball League 2008
Women’s Missouri Valley Basketball League 1936
Women’s Pro Basketball Association 1975
Women’s Pro Basketball League 1990, 1991
Women’s United States Basketball League 2010-2012, 2015
World Independent Basketball League 2014
YMCA Basketball League 1921
A-1 Football League 2012
All American Football League 1999, 2007, 2009
Alliance Indoor Football League 2013
American Football Association 1942
A-1 Football League 2012
All American Football League 1999, 2007, 2009
Alliance Indoor Football League 2013
American Football Association 1942
American Football League 2011
American National Indoor Football League 2009
American Professional Indoor Football League 2008
Arena Football Federation 2016
Fan Ownership Football League 1996
Global Indoor Football League 2014
Independent Indoor Football Alliance 2008-2010
Indoor Federation Football League 2017
Indoor Football Association 2008
Indoor Football League 2002
International Football Federation 2000
International Football League 1990
Lady Arena Football League 2012
Ladies Indoor Football League 2016
Major League Football 2016
Midwest Indoor Football League 2015
National Diamond Football League 2014
National Gridiron Indoor Football League 2018
National Football League 1917
National Indoor Football Association 2012
National Profession Football League 1944
National Spring Football League 2013
North American Indoor Football League 2005,
North American Football League 2015, 2016
Premier Indoor Football League 2010
Professional Indoor Football League 2016
Professional Spring Football League 1992
Sports Bra Football League 2013
Stars Football League 2014
Supreme Indoor Football League 2016
Trans-American Football Conference 1959
Trans-American Football League 1945
Ultimate Indoor Football League 2012
United Indoor Football League 2012
United National Football Leauge 2013
United National Gridiron Football League 2010
United States Indoor Football League 2009
United States Football League 1944, 1965, 1966, 1986, 2010, 2012
Universal Football League 1973
Women’s Arena Football League 2013
Women’s Eights Football League 2015
Women’s Indoor Football League 2014
Women’s Pro Football League 1999
Western Indoor Football League 2011
Women’s Spring Football League 2015
World Indoor Football League 1988, 2008
Xtreme Indoor Football League 1999
Xtreme Football League 1999
Alberta-Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League 1950
Alberta Junior B Hockey League 1939
Alberta Senior Hockey League 1941
America East Junior A Hockey League 2008
American Hockey League 1926
Arcadia Valley League 1927
Brome-Missisquoi-Shefford Senior Hockey League 1953, 1958
C & K Junior Hockey League 1933
California Hockey League 1939
Canadian Independent Junior A Hockey League 2014
Canadian National Railways (CNR) Junior Hockey League 1929
Canadian Pro Hockey League 2004
Central One Junior Tier 1 Hockey League 2017
Central Ontario Super Senior Hockey league 2024
Crow’s Nest Junior Hockey League 1937
Crow’s Nest Pass Intermediate Hockey League 1923
Crow’s Nest Senior Hockey League 1925
Continental Elite Junior Hockey League 2004
Central Ottawa Hockey League 1931
Central Ottawa Valley League 1948
Dundurn Hockey League 1945
East Kootenay League 1924
Eastern Canadian Hockey League 1925
Eastern Legacy Hockey League 2014
Eastern Quebec Senior League 1968
Eastern Township Junior Hockey League 1899
Eastern Township Senior Hockey League 1899, 1922
Federal Hockey League 2004
Gatineau Senior Hockey League 1947
Global Canadian Hockey League 2010
Global Hockey League 1990
Hockey South League 1992
Hull Intermediate Senior Hockey League 1943
Intercity Hockey League 1910
Intercity Senor Hockey League 1927
Independent Development Senior Hockey League 2017
Independent Hockey League 1925
Independent Junior Hockey League 2017
Intercontinental Major (minor) Hockey League 1981
International Hockey Association 2005
International Senior Hockey League 1937
International Intermediate Hockey League 1946
Interstate Hockey League 2018
La Tuque Hockey League 1943
Lakeshore Intermediate Junior Hockey League 1960
Lanark Hockey League 1925
Leeds County Hockey League 1938
Ligue de Hockey Junior A Bois Francs 2010
Little Nation Senior Hockey League 1965
Maritime Big 5 Senior Hockey League 1946
Maritime Pro Hockey League 1921-1922
Metro East Hockey League 1954
Metropolitan Hockey League 1916
Michigan Hockey League 2008
Mid-Atlantic Hockey League 2008
Midwest Hockey League 2008
Military Hockey League 1917
Montreal Junior Hockey League 2008
Mountain West Hockey League 2014
National College Prep Hockey League 2013
National Hockey League 1914
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Hockey Association 1921
New England Senior Hockey League 1980
North Oxford Men’s Senior Hockey League 2013
Northeast Hockey League 2004
Northeastern Saskatchewan Senior Hockey League 1935
Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League 1907
Northern League of Professional Hockey 2004
Northern Professional Hockey League 2012
Nova Scotia Hockey League 1922
Ontario Hockey Association Intermediate Hockey 1965
Ontario Junior B Hockey League 1963
Original Stars Hockey League 2004
Pacific Coast Women’s Hockey Association 1916
Provincial Intermeidate Senior Hockey League 1948
Rosebud Hockey League 1921
Rideau Hockey League 1933
S.G.A Hockey League 1948
Saint Lawrence Intermediate Hockey League 1948
Saint Lawrence Senior Hockey League 1967
Saint Maurice Valley Junior League 1938
Senior B Metropolitan Hockey League 1953
Senior Services Hockey League 1942
Souris Hockey League 1955
Southern Alberta Hockey League 1948
Southern Atlantic Hockey League 2011
Southeast Junior C Hockey League 2004
Southwest Junior B Hockey League 2008
Tri Club Senior Hockey League 1923
Tropical Elite Hockey League 2012
Upper Bonnechere Hockey League 1925
United States Hockey League 1951
Vancouver Island Senior Hockey League 2008
W. P. & L. Hockey League 1931?
West Canada Senior Hockey League 1944
West Coast Hockey League 1926
Western Canada Hockey League 1940
Whitchurch Hockey Leauge 1940
World Hockey Association 2004
World Hockey Junior Association 2007
WHA Junior Hockey League 2008
World United Hockey League 2015
Alberta Inter City Soccer League 1951
Canadian United Soccer League 2003
Central Alberta Soccer League 1923
Development Indoor Soccer League 2006-2007
International Indoor Soccer League 2007
Interprovincial Soccer League 1961, 1963
Major League Soccer 1995
Nassau Soccer League 1901
National Soccer League 2008
Pecos Soccer League 2013
Super Soccer League 1978
Upper Ottawa Soccer League 1956
United States Soccer League 1980
Women’s Major League Soccer 2013
All Other Sports[]
American Golf League 2010
American National Rugby League 2014
Arena Lacrosse League 2010
Box Lacrosse League 1934
Canadian Rugby League 1939
California Lacrosse League 1940
Eastern Ontario Lacrosse League 1909
International Boxing League 1969
National Bowling League 1904
National Indoor Field Lacrosse League 2014
National Lacrosse League 1972
National Rugby League 2010
National Polo League 1986, 2009
Ohio Trolley Roller Polo League 1907
Ontario & Quebec Lacrosse League 1929
Roller Hockey League 1996
Ultimate Pro Softball League 2011
West Coast Rugby League 2011
Western Major Fastball League 1974
Women’s National Volleyball League 2007/2008, 2012
World Team Tennis 1979
All items (1)